Saturday 23 April 2011

The Spiel

If you've never heard of Bike & Build before, then prepare for something amazing. What if I told you that there was an affordable housing non-profit that fosters leadership and lifelong philanthropic service? Well, I'm here to tell you that it does exist, and it's even more exciting than you're imagining right now.

Bike & Build is a non-profit that seeks to connect young people with the affordable housing cause through cycling cross-country. Each rider has to fundraise $4000 dollars and then we ride in groups of ~33 riders from the Atlantic to the Pacific. We stop in towns along the way bringing media attention to dearth of affordable housing options in many parts of the country. If you're interesting in reading more about four actual families treading the edge of uncertainty, please check out this excellent case study,  The Other Side Of The Valley.

In addition to raising awareness, we also give away donations to local affordable housing charities, such as Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together. Over eight seasons, Bike & Build has contributed $2,780,000 to housing groups to fund projects planned and executed by young adults; this includes more than $490,000 donated from the summer of 2010. We're hoping to donate even more this summer!

And our efforts aren't just confined to pedaling for affordable housing. Approximately once a week we will trade our helmets for hammers and lend a hand at a local building project. For example, in Kansas City the riders from the Central US route will be building with Heartland Habitat for Humanity. Additionally, we have builds planned in Charlottesville, VA, Cincinnati, OH, St. Louis, MO, Denver, CO, Steamboat Springs, CO, Jackson, WY, Idaho Falls, ID, and Portland, OR. To help prepare for working on a build site each rider has to complete 10 hours of sweat equity with an affordable housing organization in their local area. 

Sounds pretty great, right? You're probably sitting there thinking, "Oh lordy, now I absolutely want to donate to this amazing cause!". Don't worry, you're not alone. Many people have sat in your place and wished that they too could be a part of this greatness. It's a really complicated process, so pay close attention. One, take out your credit card (unless you're extra fancy and already know the number by heart). Two, click here and donate directly through Google checkout. Remember that Bike & Build is a 501(c)(3) charity and your donation is tax-deductible.

But that's not all! Donors who give $65 or more will get a postcard from the road with a hilarious* story from the day that you helped make possible. And if you're really feeling generous, I will be giving the top ten donors a photo book of my journey from the east coast to the west coast as a bonus.

Thank you in advance for your generous support!

*hilarity only 60% guarenteed

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