Monday 11 April 2011

Flat Tire

Today was an adventure, as most bike rides are. My bike and I are still getting to know each other, so I still get paranoid every time I hear something rattle or click. This auditory obsession sometimes causes problems, because the streets of Chicago are covered in bits of rubble and broken glass. Every time I bounce I have to check to make sure that I don't have a flat tire. Today my paranoia has proven itself true. While riding down a small incline that banks sharply off to the left I felt my tire skid out and realized, horror of horrors, that I had my first flat.

No, it did not look like that. That bike has waaaay bigger problems than just a flat tire. Nevertheless, I was somewhat dismayed to have a flat tire and not have the means to fix it. I resigned myself to walking the remaining three miles to the Loop, and really, I could not have asked for a nicer day to walk into the city of Chicago (60 & sunny).

While walking past the Field Museum I was stopped by a stylish looking lady on a pink bike. She introduced herself as Martha from Bike Fancy, a totally fabulous blog for any woman commuting in Chicago by bike. She asked if she could take my picture, and I said of course! The sun was getting to the point in the sky where it becomes a nuisance, so I'm sure I looked squinty in all the pictures. I will definitely share the results of that encounter with you here!

I finally made it to the Loop and hopped on the red line in the direction of Uptown Bikes. What a fantastic bike shop! They outfitted me with a spare tube, tire levers, a patch kit, and a shiny new Road Morph pump. Changing a tire is not a terribly intuitive process, but I have done it once before, so I knew approximately what was supposed to happen. After wrestling with my rear tire for what seemed like longer than should be necessary, I finally got my tube switched out, pumped up, and ready to ride.

Lesson learned: never leave the house without a spare tube, tire levers, and a bike pump.

Next adventure: learning how to patch tubes!

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