Tuesday 19 April 2011

FUNdraising: What Not To Do

The number one thing not to do is to not ask for money.

As a general rule, you don't get 100% of donations that you don't ask for. I have been struggling with this one since I started this process. I feel very uncomfortable asking people for money. I am always second guessing myself. Is this an appropriate time to ask for a donation? Will this person be upset or uncomfortable? After all, what right do I have to ask for their sweat, blood, and tears (well, hopefully not tears)?

I need to get over this fear, especially as I have a little less than half my total fundraising left to do (at last count I was at $2282 out of $4000), and slightly more than a month left before the trip starts. Looking at that number actually amazes me. I am so lucky to have people who believe not only in the cause, but in me!

I have fallen off the fundraising horse in the last few weeks. I got too bogged down in the details of planning a cross-country journey (click on the link to the left to see our route), three part-time jobs, and, you know, little things like graduate school visits. No biggie. But I'm back now, and better than ever!

In the spirit of fun, as all fundraising should be, I will be throwing a party to help spread the donation love. If you're in the Chicago area and want to see my pretty face, eat FREE food, or have interesting conversations with other prominent Chicagoans, then this event will be for you!

The party will be held at my parents' apartment (5436 S Hyde Park Blvd, Chicago, IL 60615) on Saturday April 30th from 4-7PM. If you're in the area, please stop by. And bring a friend!

If you're reading this and thinking, "What the heck is all this Bike & Build nonsense? What do you actually DO?", then you're in luck! My next post will be all about Bike & Build and how we help spread awareness and charitable donations for the affordable housing cause.

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andrea,
    This has nothing to do with your post, but I wanted to get in touch with you about a suggestion about your route. I am a CUS '10 alum living in St. Louis, and I wanted to make a few suggestions about your route through here this summer if you have the power to change things.

    The way we took to get to UMSL (who I bet is still you're contact here in STL, they were so good to us last year) went through some of the roughest neighborhoods in the city and worst places to bike. I've scouted out an alternate route that would bring the group by the arch and the awesome Forest Park, if you are interested. It adds a good amount of miles onto the route, but it is totally worth it.

    I also would hope to meet up with you guys at the Chain of Rocks bridge over the Mississippi that day if I am free to ride and you are game for me to join. Hit me up on my email if you are interested...


    Good luck with your fund raising, and hope to hear from you soon.

    Jesse Bright
